Welcome to Brooklyn Access, a consulting platform where you can learn about New York State’s self-direction program for people with developmental disabilities. I’m Ibraheem, a New York City authorized self-direction broker and I’d love to help you learn about and determine whether self-direction is the appropriate pathway for your loved ones. I’ve witnessed firsthand the outstanding changes this program has made in the lives of my students, family, and friends, and I want to help bridge the learning gap in my community by educating people about the availability of these services. At Brooklyn Access, my clients lead the way and my goal is to inform them of the pathways they can traverse upon.

What Is Self-Direction?

Self-direction is a model of service delivery in which a person with developmental disabilities chooses:

  1. The mix of supports and services that work best for him/her;
  2. How and when they are provided, and
  3. The staff and/or organizations that provide them.

Grounded by the Principles of Self-Determination

  1. Freedom  to make basic choices about your life;
  2. Authority to control the money spent on your behalf for the supports you receive;
  3. Support to actualize your life vision;
  4. Responsibility to contribute to your community and be accountable;
  5. Self-advocacy to express your wants and needs.

Advantages of Self-direction

  1. Participants are more likely to live, work and participate in the community;
  2. Have more flexible schedules;
  3. Have better relationships with staff;
  4. Have overall better physical and behavioral health
  5. Are more satisfied with life.

How to start with Self-Direction?

Self-Direction starts with a planning process to help you figure out what supports are most important to you. You can choose some or all of the services that help you like:

  1. Live in the home and community of your choice,
  2. Work, volunteer and do activities you enjoy,
  3. Have relationships with family and friends 

Your Care Manager and Regional Self-Direction Liaison can help you learn about what service options exist for you.

Who Will Help Me Get Started?

If you choose and is eligible to self-direct, you will work with a group of people chosen by you also known as Circle of Support who will help you select your services and put together a budget. This team of people could include your family members and close friends, your Care Manager, a Support Broker and staff who know you well.

What is a Support Broker?

A Support Broker helps you or your family with development and maintenance of a Self-Direction Budget, based on the services and supports you need. If you want to control how the funds in your budget are spent, you can hire your Broker. Your Broker can also help you develop a plan to work towards outcomes you want to achieve in life.

How will I know if am eligible for Self-Direction?

If you are eligible for OPWDD services and enrolled in the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver, you can choose Self-Direction.